Monday, 23 March 2009


So I went to Format 09 , a photocinema festival, in Derby today.  We didn't actually get to spend much time there, due to being in a bit of a rush, getting lost, and the horrible weather, but it was good nontheless.  And I got to see William Eggleston, Gregory Crewdson, et al.  Niiiiiice. I enjoyed seeing Wim Wenders' work 'Once', which was full of narrative, melancholy, and some pretty good images also. 
Known as a film maker, this work features a selection of images with a brief text alongside each set, which consists of Wenders' own experiences along the journeys he went on whilst taking the photographs.  I feel it is often hard to integrate text alongside photographs without it seeming like an explanation to an otherwise mediocre image, but this added to the enjoyment and depth of the images.  The cinematic aesthetic to many of the images included in the festival immediately encourages the viewer to explore the narrative of the piece.  This is something I need to within my own work, and has started to happen with my latest prints.

Jason Dee - We'll Revisit the Scenes of Our Youth.
I really liked this projection, which involved a static forground and a moving background.  The age of the scene seemed quite fitting when referring to my own work, but I also liked the use of the noises of the projector, even though it was a digital projection.  It was rhythmic and hypnotic, and a rather odd juxtaposition between still images and film that was intriguing and effective.

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